Thursday, 25 December 2014

It's Fucking Christmas.... Again!

It's that time of the year folks. The most ridiculous and overrated holiday of them all. No not Valentines Day, and not Easter neither.

Fucking Christmas. Again.

I absolutely hate Christmas and I'm going to explain why so everyone can hopefully get some sort of understanding into the idiocy of this day that warps the minds of millions or billions worldwide.

For one, everyone goes on about how it's supposed to be the 'season to be jolly' like the rest of the fucking year is meant to be spent being the pessimistic nihilist of the world, because society allows you this one day to escape from your daily grind of mundane and zombie-esque activity to spend time with your family, because clearly spending time with your family any other day of the year is forbidden and frowned upon so only do it on Christmas.

It's that time of the year where parents, who when they were children were told that Santa was a real person and that they had to behave for the year or else they wouldn't get any presents but awoke on Christmas day to find they actually had presents anyway thus unknowingly creating a materialistic mentality deep inside their psyche and believing that no matter how they behaved they'd receive what is "entitled" to them anyway, tell their children this same fucking lie over and over repeating the never ending cycle so when those kids grow up they pass it onto their children and so on and so on. How ridiculous and idiotic is this? Remind you of any other fairytale? One that people seem to want to carry on into adulthood?

And the concept of gift giving is probably the most ridiculous and vacuous part of this whole moronic tradition because the only good it serves is to create profit for large corporations that couldn't give a shit about the happiness and well being of the everyday citizen of the world. Let's take a look at Coca Cola for instance, their advertisements on television multiple tenfold during this time of the year with the portrayal that if you have a beverage of theirs or share it with someone else that it'll bring immense joy to your life despite the tremendous negative health issues it can create, and how highly addictive they have made it. And serving this to children, because their ads are clearly targeted towards the impressionable young minds of today, not only makes these children destined for a life of diabetes and a multitude of other health problems but also serves to fuel a corporation built on greed and destruction of ones well being for the sake of the dollar.

Yet let's all hold Christmas in a positive light and tell everyone to have a wondrous and joyous one because that's the social norm isn't it? No one these days ever thinks for themselves, they just follow the rest like the sheep that they have been told to be.

Christmas is by far the worst time of the year and it seems I am in the extreme minority that has this belief because every fucking year I am having to explain myself to everyone about why I can't wait for this pathetic excuse of a day to be over and done with.

This year it is even worse because I work in retail and have discovered a whole new low that people sink to. People spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars around Christmas time and complaining about it!!

Let's back up a second; people go out and WILLINGLY spend copious amounts of money during the Christmas period yet they openly complain about spending so much money when it was their choice to do so in the first place, yet it's like they're putting the blame on something other than their own actions and choices. And you know what that is? Social norms created by society for everyone to accept and abide by because that's what you have to do, isn't it?

People are a fucking joke these days. You DON'T have to go out and spend ridiculous amounts of money, you can teach your children not to become materialistic and that they should just behave themselves just to become decent human beings instead of just for the reward of some present at the end of the fucking year. And you may argue that it's a time of the year that the children look forward to and my rebuttal would be why can't they look forward to any other day of the year? Is it because your parenting is so shocking that you make every other day of the year just as mundane and dull as your working day in the office? Children are children, they are extremely imaginative, naive and they dream because the world hasn't told them what they can and can't be yet. So make everyday for them special and before you know it they won't care about materialistic items for Christmas even if their friend at school gets the new Playstation or Xbox, because your child or children will believe that the greater gift to something that can have a price tag placed on it is that they aren't dead yet.

Then there's the fact that when people feel the need to go out and spend huge amounts of money, that they do so right at the last minute. I can just imagine their thought process when they awake the morning before Christmas and think 'shit, it's Christmas eve, I have to go do all the Christmas shopping. Oh my where did the time go? I swear it was March yesterday!' Wake the fuck up and stop living in your dreamland of day to day cycles of repetitive tasks and pay attention to the world for fuck sake! Why don't people think outside waking up in the morning, going to work, going home and going to bed and repeating?

Christmas is a joke and I have no hope whatsoever that the world will ever wake up to itself and see it for what it really is; one big marketing ploy that everyone keeps falling for.

You all make me sick.

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